We are here to feature erotic art and if necessary to give you some background information on the material we present. If we can’t find the answers we are looking for in our well-stocked library, there is always Google, of course.
The chain of polished pieces of bone as shown above is held together by some red cotton yarn and is made in China, because the images carved into the pieces of bone are obviously Chinese. The images have a strong resemblance to imagery we have seen in Chinese bridal books. They depict a variety of sexual positions.
One of our oldest members of AMEA brought it back from Shanghai, where he bought it from a man in the street. We know the chain is not unique, because we have seen several identical pieces at auction sites, but again without any background information or a date when these objects were made.
We know we have about 11% Chinese visitors on this site, and we are switching roles for a change. Furthermore, we are asking YOU to come up with extra information on this beautiful piece of art.
Please contact us!